• Faculty
  • Sasha Dukan
  • Sasha Dukan

    ProfessorPhysics and Engineering Science

    Sasha Dukan is Professor of Physics at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland.  She completed her doctorate, with a specialization in theoretical condensed matter physics, in 1995 at the Johns Hopkins University.  Prior to her arrival at Goucher in 1996, she was a post-doctoral fellow and taught courses at the Johns Hopkins University.  Professor Dukan's research in theoretical physics focuses on understanding behavior of superconductors and related materials in high magnetic fields.  Her research has been funded the National Science Foundation and the Research Corporation, and over her twenty-year tenure at Goucher she has mentored students in the collaborative research projects.  Professor Dukan and her students presented papers at national and international conferences such as American Physical Society March Meeting, UNESCO International Conference on Theoretical Physics, International Conference on Statistical Physics and International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Professor Dukan served in a governing body of the Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR) (2003-2006) and she contributes workshops and presentations at CUR national meetings.  Professor Dukan was the chairperson of the physics department at Goucher from 2004 to 2009 as well as in the 2012-2013 academic year. She currently serves both as the physics program and the dual-degree engineering program coordinator. 

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    I am investigating the superconducting instability of a strongly-coupled electronic system placed in high magnetic field.


    Dukan, J. Tenenbaum*, J. Porembski* and K. Tata*, “STM differential conductance of a disordered extreme type-II superconductor high magnetic fields”, Physical Review B 82, 134504 (2010).

    Carr*, J. J. Trafton*, S. Dukan and Z. Tesanovic, “Low-Temperature Specific Heat of an Extreme Type-II Superconductor at High Magnetic Field”, Physical Review B, 68, 174519 (2003).

    Dukan, T. P. Powell* and Z. Tesanovic, “Quasiparticle Thermal Conductivities in Type-II Superconductor at High Magnetic Field”, Physical Review B, 66 014517 (2002).

    Dukan and O. Vafek*: “Anomalous Behavior of the Upper Critical Field in Strongly Type-II Superconductors at Low Temperatures”, Physica C 309 (3-4), 295-302 (1998).

    Dukan and Z. Tesanovic: “Quantized Landau Levels in Superconductors”, invited review article (chapter) in the book: “The Superconducting State in Magnetic Fields: Special Topics and New Trends”,Edited by Carlos A. R. Sa de Melo, Series on Directions in Condensed Matter Physics –Vol 13, 197, World Scientific, Singapore (1998).

    Dukan and Z. Tesanovic: “The Density of States of a Type-II Superconductor in High Magnetic Field, Impurity Effects”, Physical Review B 56 (1), 838 (1997).

    Dukan and Z. Tesanovic: “de Haas-van Alphen Oscillations in a Superconducting State at High Magnetic Fields”, Physical Review Letters74, 2311 (1995).

    (* indicates undergraduate student collaborator at Goucher College)

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    2009-2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) RUI Grant DMR-0856415, Project Title: “Thermal properties of Strongly-Coupled Extreme Type-II Superconductors in the Mixed State”.

    2001-2005 National Science Foundation (NSF) CCLI Grant DUE-0088172. Project Title: “Adapting Interdisciplinary Materials Science into Chemistry and Physics”.

    1999-2001 KITP Visiting Scholar Award, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara

    1997 National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Opportunity Award DMR-9415549, Amendment No. 003 for summer research. Project Title: “Anomalous Behavior of the Upper Critical Field in the Extreme Type-II Superconductors”.

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    2017 “Differential conductance of a Disordered Superconductor at High Magnetic Fields”, Presented at the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Prague, Czech Republic.

    2016 “Thermodynamic and Tunneling Properties of Strongly-Coupled Extreme Type-II Superconductors in High Magnetic Field”, Presented at the XXVI IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics in Lyon, France.

    2014 “Education for a Sustainable Energy Future, a Small Liberal Arts CollegePerspective”, Presented at the American Physical Society “Physics of Sustainable Energy III” Conference, University ofCalifornia Berkeley.

    2012 “Undergraduate Research in Theoretical Physics at Goucher College: Thermal Properties of Extreme Type-II Superconductors in High Magnetic Fields”, Presented at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.

    2011 “Thermal conductivity of a two-gap superconductor MgB2 in High Magnetic Field and Low Temperatures”, Presented at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Dallas, Texas.

    2010 “Acoustic Attenuation in the Borocarbide Superconductors in High Magnetic” Presented at the 13th National Conference of the Council on Undergraduate Research, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah.

    Invited Talks

    2015 “Phenomenology of Extreme Type-II Superconductors in the Mixed State”, Invited Seminar at the Third Anacapa Society Workshop for Theorists at Undergraduate Institutions, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara.

    2010 “Required undergraduate research experience-- How it can help a growth of a small physics department at a liberal arts college, a case study”, Invited Workshop at the 13th National Conference of the Council on Undergraduate Research, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah.

    2006 “Undergraduate Research inTheoretical/Computational Physics: Challenges and Rewards”, Invited Workshop at the 11th National Conference of the Council on Undergraduate Research, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.

    2004 “Collaborative Materials Science Course at Goucher College”, Invited Workshop at the 10th National Conference of the Council on Undergraduate Research, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    American Physical Society

    Council on Undergraduate Research

    Anacapa Society, the association of theoretical and computational physics at undergraduate institutions.

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    Sasha Dukan serves as ad-hoc reviewer for several scientific journals and funding agencies.

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